How we work

The DK-VAND steering committee is our highest authority. 

The steering committee defines the strategic direction of the certification scheme and approves all documents relating to the certification. An executive group with representatives from the steering committee oversees the daily running of the certification scheme and is in contact with the DK-VAND stakeholders and sub-suppliers. The executive group can appoint ad-hoc working groups for specific tasks such as development of testing and certification regulations. In solving individual tasks, the executive group can draw on relevant experts from utility companies, producers, test laboratories, toxicological advisors or certificate holders as needed. All tasks are solved on a volunteer basis with working hours in an equal ratio based on individual skill sets. As a result, no financial relation exists between the parties that develop rules and regulations or manage the DK-VAND certification scheme. In this way DK-VAND is a certification scheme that is entirely self-dependent. The members of the steering committee and the executive group meet regularly to share knowledge regarding materials in contact with drinking water and other types of relevant knowledge. 

The revenue generated by the certification is used to maintain the website, for marketing, and to co-finance projects that can further develop the DK-VAND scheme.

Once testing and certification requirements have been determined by DK-VAND, they are forwarded to DANCERT where the certification itself is handled. DANCERT has been accredited by DANAK to carry out certifications according to DANCERT’s supplementary rules for DK-VAND.

Toxicological testing, lab tests and expenses covering factory inspections are carried out on commercial terms, i.e. as per contract between the applicant and the relevant testing laboratories. 

DK-VAND aims to expand the certification scheme to all products related to water distribution, to develop new competencies and knowledge through projects and research. DK-VAND manages the certification scheme.