
Dancert is now accredited for certification according to DK-VAND

DANAK's royal crown will appear on the DK-VAND certificates. The DANAK accreditation is an approval of the DK-VAND brand, and the work DK-VAND has done so far. The accreditation futureproofs the certification scheme in relation to the requirements that are being introduced as part of the revised European drinking water directive. The EU Commission takes system 1+ as a starting point for assessing the control of the constancy of performance.

System 1+ is the highest level of control, for sampling and inspection compared to the AVCP system.

In collaboration with DANCERT DK-VAND will develop the scheme so that we meet all requirements in the drinking water directive making it easy for producers, suppliers and water supplies to document that they meet the applicable requirements.

The DANAK logo will be added to the DK-VAND certificates as audits are carried out.

You can read more about DANAK here: